
Friday, December 17, 2010

"Do Over" - Yahtzee and Life

While living in New Zealand for my Junior year of high school, I had an experience that changed my life. Everyone in my form (grade) was taking exams for the year but because I hadn't been there all year and they didn't want me to take another students spot, they had me work in the library.

Once the students being tested were finished, they were allowed to leave. I had to stay and work a full day. I had a bad attitude that my friends were all getting to go home early and complained.

The librarian said something I will never forget and which was probably the start of my looking for gratitude in all situations. She said, "You should be grateful that you are here being an exchange student. You should be happy to have these experiences that most people will never have. You should look at each day and experience as a blessing. By working in here, you are giving back." I knew she was right and thanked her. To this day I don't remember her name as I was only with her those few days but her few words shifted my thinking.

I have lived my life from that time on trying to see the gratitude in all situation and when I find myself complaining as will happen, I shift to thinking and listing what I am grateful for dealing with whatever I was complaining about. For example, I was feeling sorry for myself one day about not getting flowers for Valentines day. I stopped mid thought and started listing things I was grateful for in my life. I listed the flowers in my yard and plants in the house, listing my home and yard, giving gratitude for my eyes being able to see the color of flowers etc.

I sometimes forget and being human start letting things out in frustration. I was playing a hand held game of Yahtzee the other day and when I will have a bad game, I don't finish it, I hit "start over" and begin again. It occurred to me that life is like Yahtzee. If I start down a path and I don't like it, I can use forgiveness or make better choices and start over. If going down this new path, I find that I don't like how it is looking, I can "Start over" again. And, again. And, again....

Sometimes however, we do have to take a "chance" and if we aren't sure how the path is following through, we use the "chance" and see where the rest of the "game" takes us. If there is any good in the game, we continue and with planning, skill and some luck, we can become a winner and sometimes even top the "high score" by using all three.

I wonder sometimes if I have said something to someone that has changed their life. I wonder if what I said inspired them or brought them down. It is amazing that a few lines to a virtual stranger can have such an impact on their life as the librarians did to me. Either for good or bad. How far reaching are harsh words even years later? The blessing is, that we continually get "do overs" through Christs atonement and forgiveness. I am grateful for "Do overs" and the Lord for giving us that chance.

So, I need to self examine my life and see where I may need to hit "New Game" and see where I may need to take a "Chance" for a better score. Sometimes, I might even get lucky on my first roll! Here's to Yahtzee and Librarians!

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