
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snow Delay Today

I tried to get on and blog last night but the Internet was down. We had rain in the morning and it turned to snow in the afternoon. We got home last night from an errand and shoveled for 2 hours between my house and a widow neighbor. As soon as we would shovel a spot, it would be covered within minutes.

I poured all our ice melt between both walks and driveways and it didn't help. By 11 p.m., the above foot of snow had fallen (You can see the ruler sticking out of the snow). It snowed all night (I know because Santa came early for our family as my kids are going with their dad for the holidays) and didn't stop until mid day when it started to rain for a few hours which made the existing almost 2 feet of snow very wet and heavy.

The kids missed school today as the plows buried us in. I wasn't about to take a chance driving as I was picking up one of the kids yesterday, I tried to stop at a red light and ended up halfway into the intersection. Two pedestrians had started crossing the street on the other side and I stopped before hitting them. I bought tires for my car and my daughters car at the same time and hers are great in snow and mine are horrible. Lets just say I would buy Cooper tires again. I am not so happy with Big O about now. This is the second time I have had a problem with their tires.

So, sorry for not posting, I just got in from digging out the walks again which took another 1 1/2 hours tonight. I have a wonderful neighbor who brought a tractor onto the street and plowed my driveway and the street. There is a 6 foot pile of snow at the edge of my property. Digging out the cars and the sidewalk, mailbox and front step took all that time and we had already removed almost a foot yesterday.

We are glad for the moisture and the kids are looking forward to the "Snow day" they announced as another storm is supposed to hit. It was a white Christmas for us and the kids enjoyed the day.

Merry Christmas!

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