
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

David Archuleta Christmas Part 2

When the concert was over, I asked the girls if they wanted to walk around down town and see the lights. Two said "Yes!" and two said "No!" which is about how it goes with girls.

One of the girls said, "If we are going to be downtown, we should go see David Archuleta at the book signing. I asked what they were talking about. They showed me the program, (they ran out before I got into the concert) and the insert said that he would be signing CD's and books a block away. We started to run along with hundreds of other crazy people. It was after nine at night and was FREEZING!

We stood for an hour in a line around the block before he even showed up and the line started moving. He was only doing it for an hour since he was an hour late arriving. I spoke with the people hosting because we didn't want to wait another hour that late and freezing if we weren't going to get in. They thought he would be able to make it. So, we waited. We had so much fun singing Christmas carols in line. We visited with people in line and made new friends. It was almost 11 p.m. which was when he would stop signing and I went and asked again if they thought we would get in. A woman had just walked up and said he was going to stop the line. I begged her to come out and see how short the line was and allow him to stay until the line was through. She looked at the line and he stayed to finish the line.

However, we were rushed through so fast that I didn't have time to take a picture and the girls turned around and took a few with their cell phones and here is what we got. If I was smart, I would have walked the half mile to my car during the wait and gotten my camera! However, the girls got two CD's and covers signed and I learned that if you take a picture with your cell phone and close it because the staff is yelling at everyone to "move on," the picture doesn't save. lol

It was still an amazing night and the girls were thrilled to be that close to him and get his signature.

I had one daughter who was wearing flip flops because I had picked her up off a bus and her stuff was loaded into the trunk and we didn't have time to get shoes as I dropped them off hoping they would get seats. I actually didn't know she had flip flops on but I am sure if she were asked, she would say it was worth standing in line for 2 hours to meet him.

I kept thinking how if any part of the planned night had gone as planned, I would have missed this fun night with my girls. I LOVE how God works in our lives. Thanks to David Archuleta and his staff for staying the extra few minutes so my girls could have a wonderful experience! Even though the photo is blurry, you can see her smile!

What a great Christmas surprise it was!

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