
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Refinished Bookshelf - Wonderful Gift

I have been looking for a bookshelf for a few years now. I have two that are the same and was looking for a third to hold all our DVD's and videos. Last year I went to the house my daughter was renting and they had the exact bookshelf in the furnished student housing. I asked if I could replace that shelf and they said no as it matched one they had in another part of the house.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago. I was in my sisters basement going through a few boxes of my mothers things looking for something when I noticed she had the bookshelf I wanted empty in the storage part of her basement. I asked if I could buy it or exchange it for them and they said they were getting rid of it anyway. I was very happy and told them I had been looking at used furniture stores for years for that exact one. They were happy to help. I was looking for a way to get it to my home three hours away...

They just happened to bring it down for me this last weekend when they came to my oldest daughters "Welcome Home" party. I was busy at the beginning of the week and wasn't feeling well yesterday but first thing this morning, I was sanding it down in my garage as it was snowing outside.

I lightly sanded it and then used damp paper towels to wipe it down. I then used Amber Shellac which matches the cedar wood on the walls in that room and the entertainment center and the other two bookshelves I refinished a few years ago that I found at a second hand store.

I used foam brushes on this one but used thin brushes on the other and liked the brushes better than the foam brushes. I was impressed with how quickly the shellac dried even in the cold. Within about 1/2 hour, it was dry to the touch. I cut myself another shelf out of some oak I had from making extra shelves for the other bookshelves. If you notice the bottom shelf on the left bookshelf is a bit different and has a lip hanging down. I pulled apart an oak desk topper I got at a used furniture store for $5 and used the sides, shelves and top to make shelves that would fit in these bookshelves. I wanted more shelves so we could put more DVD's in them. My girls favorite thing is to watch a DVD and paint nails or play a game. So, I buy the previously viewed DVD's at buy two get two free and it is cheaper for 4 DVD's than for me to take them to the movies.

So, we have a standing deal, if I don't have to take them to the movie theater, we buy the movies with that money. I also buy videos at second hand stores or yard sales and sometimes find some that haven't been opened and exchange them for the movies we want. I have only a few times ever paid full price for a movie.

Here is what we had in that corner before. It didn't look as nice but held the DVD's. What a wonderful Christmas present my sister and her husband gave me early this year!

I am so blessed! I also had a daughter text me the other night with this lovely text, "You're so amazing! I'm so blessed! I love you, and your Blog:)"

I called and asked what she was referring to and she told me how amazing it was that I could fix, sew, build, everything and then said she thought my "being single - Grass is Greener" post was really "sharing myself" personally. I have had several comments about that post from people so I guess it touched those who needed it.

Yes, I am blessed!

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