
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Kudos to Frito-Lay - Recyclable Bags!

I received several different kinds of chips donated to my daughters homecoming party this weekend. One bag was really loud. It feels like a Mylar balloon almost and sounds like a bag with an amplifier on it.

It is the worlds first 100% compostable chip bag. I have never seen or heard anything about this in the news or online. Of course I don't often listen to the news and I NEVER watch TV so that isn't surprising. :-)

I am VERY interested in this. I have composted for 16 years. We keep a gallon ice cream bucket and lid under the sink at all times. We then dump it into our "pit" in the back yard. I have a pit about 2 1/2 feet deep in the back corner of our yard. We fill it with leaves and old veggies and peelings etc and then in the spring, we use it in our raised bed gardens. It is such a dark rich color when we pull it out. We have red clay soil and so it is a blessing to have the compost to mix into the raised beds as the soil doesn't grow things well.

We have dumpsters all over town for paper recycling. The proceeds go to the high school drama department. I started the recycling of metals and we put up a dumpster at the recycle place as we couldn't have them around town because people may climb in to get aluminum and hurt themselves so we only have one bin but I have been surprised that we don't get many aluminum donations because either people are turning them in for the money themselves or someone is taking the aluminum out for themselves.

However, I have been really surprised at the amount of other metals which have been donated. They go into large dumpsters and another recycle place pays the drill team for it. There isn't money in the small other metals but in bulk, the drill team is making about $100 a month and as we get the word out, I know it will grow saving our landfills and helping the high school teams.

If you haven't composted before, I suggest you go to this link listed on the chip bag which is or do some online searches. The soil isn't only for vegetable gardens but is helpful around trees, flowers and plants as well. You can actually put worms and some newspaper in the under counter bin if you get really into it. I have tons of worms in my yard and garden because of composting. They like the warmth the compost puts off and eat the compost breaking it down faster. Their castings also help build the soil making it healthier.

So, Kudos to Frito-Lay for their bag and their website. I offer that each of us if we get involved can offer recycling by putting a dumpster at our office for metal or paper, put a recycle sign on a garbage can at work and take the cans in and pay for a lunch party at the end of the year. Save the plastic grocery bags and take them to a recycle place (Walmart has them) or make the recycled crochet bags and donate them to the woman shelter for them to use.

There are many things we can do to recycle. Thanks Frito-Lay for doing your part and raising the standard for other companies.

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