
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Follow the Candy Trail - Family Traditions

This is not a tradition that I had growing up but I started this when my older kids were younger as a teaser to let them know that the Easter Bunny or Santa had actually come.

I would make a candy trail from the bedroom they were sleeping in to the living room where Santa or the Bunny would leave their presents.

Usually it is candy from the holiday before that was gotten on clearance and saved for this holiday. I get candy that isn't dated by the wrapper such as dum dum suckers, smarties etc that won't go bad from Halloween to Christmas. It is fun for them to know that if they open the door and find treats, there will be more.....

One year the Eater Bunny bought a trampoline. They were with their dad on Easter morning so when they were dropped off at the house, there was a candy Easter egg trail around the outside of the house to the back yard where the trampoline was set up.

This year, Santa found some great $2 movies at a late night sale and along with the candy made a trail..... My older daughter said how excited the youngest was by the fun movies that were in the line up and how it really got her excited to "line up" (see last weeks post on our lining up tradition) and head in. This year however, my middle daughter complained that she never got to be at the front because we usually do youngest but every once in awhile we have done oldest to youngest. So, for the first time ever, the middle child was at the front of the line-up.

I was surprised how upset this new line-up made my youngest but she quickly got over it as the presents came into view. It makes for a fun tradition that I am sure my kids will carry on as they have their own kids. It also saves on treats for the snack jar as I have used granola bars, fruit snacks and other "snacks" in the candy trail.

I have some friends that make a maze for their kids on Christmas morning using anything and everything. One year they filled the hall with pine trees. That is a fun tradition.

I have a cousin that fills the room with balloons and the family has to pop the balloons to find their presents. That sounds like fun if you are deaf and not jumpy to popping balloons. Just thought how funny that is because his wife is deaf. Maybe that could be fun then. Anyway, I have always enjoyed hearing others family traditions.

I would still love to hear yours.

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