
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rock and Rolling Skating Party - Family Traditions

Every year the day after Christmas or in this case, December 27th, my d
ad rents out a roller skating rink, laser tag, bounce zone and ultimate ball crawl place. All my siblings and our kids go at ten in the morning before it opens to others and we have the place to ourselves. I can't remember how many years we have been doing this. There is something for everyone as the ball pit jungle zone is for little kids, they have skates for little ones that only go forward, they have pvc skate walkers if they have a balance problem. They have a race track or a regular skating rink.

They have a bounce zone where there are some fun games. I have a video attached where one of the girls is on a bungee harness trying to see how far she can run away before being pulled back.

We have some type of lunch and then the laser tag wars begin. The kids go in by age and then compete for points. It does get a bit competitive sometimes when my siblings and I get involved. Then they have token games where the kids earn tickets and spend a few hours picking out a penny toy which ends up under the seats in the car on the long rides home and I find them a few month later while vacuuming out in the spring.

My girls weren't able to go this year as we had many thing going on but I went and ended up being the photographer for everyone and got to hold some beautiful baby boy nephews I haven't gotten to know yet. My kids and their cousins look forward to this every year and are glad they will be back on track to go next year.

This in one tradition we will keep. We have some cute video of us doing Karaoke last year.

We would love to hear some of your fun family traditions!

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