
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Chrsitmas Eve Gaming Marathon and Sleep Over - Traditions

This tradition was something that we started to keep tabs on all the kids. Sometimes the younger kids would try to sneak up and peak on Santa. So, we always stuck the kids in one room. They were allowed to watch videos until they fell asleep. The video's covered any noise that Santa may make in moving things around allowing for an earlier start.

A few years in, the kids asked to play video games. We got an old Sega and put it in the room and they would watch a video and then whomever was still awake after that would play Sonic on Sega until they couldn't stay awake any longer.

I loved my old Panasonic camera that had inferred night vision and I would always go in and video the kids after they fell asleep. I miss that feature on my new camera. I don't have as many photos because I wasn't in the room but my video editing isn't working right now so I can't show you the cute videos of them but this is one of my older girls favorite traditions. The younger girls like the video part but the older girls enjoy the "gaming" portion of the night. Mom likes that it makes them a bit more tired and they sleep later the next morning because they were up late. Mom also sticks them in the darkest room of the house to sleep so that the sun doesn't wake them up early. There have been a few years where they slept past nine not knowing what time it was because the shades are dark in that room! Who doesn't love to sleep in a little later on Christmas morning.

Just another fun tradition the kids enjoy.

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