
Friday, November 12, 2010

Puzzle Fun For all Ages - Part 2

A few years ago, I was in charge of the women's group in our church. I was trying to find a way to inspire the women to do service and realize how important just one person can be.

I bought a puzzle at a second hand store and printed out invitations and glued a piece of a puzzle on it inviting them to find out where they "fit" in our group.

I had a friend make a frame around some metal sheeting that would fit this puzzle of the "last supper" on it. The puzzle had 1000 pieces and I wanted to hide a picture of Christ under the puzzle so when they started taking pieces of the puzzle off, they would start to uncover a picture of Christ.

In order to take a piece of the puzzle off the metal frame, they had to do an act of service and our goal as a group was to take the puzzle down in that year.

I bought a few rolls of magnet tape and cut them into small pieces and put them on the back of each piece. I had to test how big I needed to make the pieces so they would stay on the frame well as it would be moved each week and I didn't want to lose pieces in the move. I also bought some magnetic paint and sprayed the metal sheet but I think it would have been fine if I skipped that.

Then, I had my girls help me put the puzzle together on the metal sheet frame and we made the puzzle over this picture of Christ which is one of my favorites. I have a picture somewhere of the puzzle finished with my girls holding it but after searching for an hour, I gave up. If I find it later, I will post it.

We had fun making the puzzle and taking it down. We are all pieces of the puzzle and the picture isn't complete even if one piece is missing. When we do service, even small acts, we see Christ more clearly in our lives and continence, just like when they took a piece of puzzle off.

YOU are all pieces in my life puzzle and I am so glad that you are!

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