
Thursday, November 11, 2010

It Comes in Threes - Part 2

So, the toilet wasn't the third thing. My step nephew who is about two month old was admitted to the children's hospital within hours of my Dad's admission. My poor Step mother (I hate calling her that as she has been one of the biggest blessings in our lives but say that only as an identification marker) had my dad in one hospital her her grandson in another within hours.

She wasn't able to go visit her grandson until this afternoon as she was with my dad.

They don't know what is wrong with my nephew but he has blood out one end and throwing up out the other and are trying to rule out meningitis but he has started with a fever.

My oldest sent an email last night confirming her coming home times and her email almost made me cry. "Hey mom, here it is again. I'm going to Hong Kong. that's new. lol. its all set and ready to go and I'm excited to sit and not be walking. lol, my legs are tired."

Because my youngest two are going with their dad for the entire Christmas break I have to do Christmas early. Now with the health issues I am rushing to get that done not sure I will even be in our town due to medical visits and issues.

Doing the food, decorations and awards/gifts for the new food bank in a few weeks and helping with a singles dinner for about 150 in a few weeks also.

On a very positive note however, the toilet I installed last night is NOT leaking! What a blessing it is to have toilets! I took a photo of the hole just to make my oldest feel at home when she returns from a country that uses holes instead of toilets. Perhaps I should have blogged about how to replace a toilet. I am quite the expert on toilets now!

As you can see by the above, I am silly. Missing sleep and stress have that effect. I will pray I can get my life back to somewhat normal soon and return to all the wonderful things I was working on to blog about!

Please keep our family in your prayers and I pray that your family doesn't need any!

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