
Monday, November 15, 2010

Documenting For Insurance - Seal-A-Meal part 2

I wrote about the "Seal a meal Deal" the other day and how I was sealing the silver. I wanted to show you what I did to identify what was in each container and document for insurance what I have.

A few years ago when we moved my mother out of he
r home, everyone got something for their inheritance from her as she was moving into an assisted living arrangement one bedroom apartment.

I asked for her silverware that we used for each Thanksgiving dinner and so that is what I was blessed to get.

I had some adds from old magazines that showed th
e pattern she had and the cost for replacements back then. I took a picture of the pattern and cost and took a picture of the back of the utensils and the bottom of the salt shakers so the name of the manufacture would be shown. I then wrote what would be in the bag such as, "Grandma's wedding silverware pattern, rose" etc so that we would know what exactly was in each bag.

I then got onlin
e and researched each pattern. My mother had one pattern from her wedding and accidental ordered replacements from a different but similar pattern so I have two partial sets rather than one whole set.

I printed out the history of the company that made them and the history of the patterns she has along with replacement prices now and pictures of the patterns.

I then took a picture of the pattern on the print out and
then wrote the amount of each piece I have of each pattern under that pattern print out: Such as, 6 - soup spoons, 8 -knives, etc.

I made two copies of that information. I put one copy in the bag with the silverware and sealed it up inside with the silverware to put in the safety deposit box in case there was a house fire or something, the information would be safe with the silverware. I then placed the second copy of the papers with the information, prices, and amounts we have in
my "Book of Life" that I blogged about on April 29, 2010 this year.

That way, if we ever need to leave in a hurry, I have all the information organized in one book that I can grab on the way out.

This can be done with anything of value. Wedding rings, heirloom jewelry, coin collections, baseball cards etc. It would make it so much easier for others if something happened to me and no one knew where the stuff was from or who owned it or its value or worth. Wouldn't it be great if everyone had this done so going through their stuff in the estate was not guessing "who owned this? anyone recognize this?" etc.

Having sorted through my moms stuff many times now, I am hoping to save my kids from that same fate. It has caused me so much stress havi
ng to do that for my mom and scanning all the slides, pictures, etc. I pray I can get myself organized enough to just enjoy the time I have with my kids and grand kids rather than worrying about the other or having them to have to worry about it after I am gone.

Here is to Seal-a-Meals! And being organized!

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