
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It Comes in Threes

I had plans to write about Silver etc tonight but I just got an email that my dad fell while hiking today (see previous post of June 11, "sometimes you're up" about my dad and hiking) and slipped on some ice and knocked himself cold for about 20 minutes until another hiker found him and got him help.

He is in the trauma unit after being transferred from another hospital. He seems ok other than a collapsed lung, broken ribs and I am sure a huge bump on the head. However, he is over 70 and 20 minutes is a VERY long time to be knocked out. I live far enough away I can't visit without some planning but will possibly not write if I can work something out. Forgive me if I skip a day or two.

I would ask that you keep him in your prayers along with my daughter that is arriving home early from the Philippines, due to illness, this next Friday night. Her email tonight worried me as she talked about how tired her legs are and she can't wait to "rest" when getting home.

I am hoping all my toilet flooding issues is the third issue as they say "things always come in threes!" I just finished putting in a new toilet after fighting with flooding on the other for over a month. There was a small leak you couldn't see in the tank. I am grateful that it is finally fixed and pray that is the third thing!

Thanks for your prayers!

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