
Friday, November 5, 2010

Here I Come Poem

I was very tired this morning and after taking the kids to school, I tried to go back to sleep. Into my mind came this poem. I have never written a poem before without having something to sell with it at a boutique or something so for me to be tired and have a poem come into my mind is a very odd thing.

Also, I thought the content was weird. I thought it would pass and I could go back to sleep. Well, that didn't work so I got up and wrote it down. Here is the poem:

Here I Come

1, 2, 3, Here I come…
White tracks in the snow
Make it easy to find me.
My red coat you can’t see
Hidden from view behind a tree.
You seek, find, and we rejoice!

1 baby, 2 parents, 3 wise men…
Angels sing, “Here I come”
White star makes it easy to find me.
My red blood lost, you can’t see
But all witness me hung on a tree.
1, 2, 3 days gone, then Here I come!
You seek, find, and we rejoice!

I have a daughter that writes poems and I have grandmothers on both sides of my family and great-grandparents that wrote music and poetry but this was a new one for me.
Tejae 11-3-10
I hope you liked it!

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