
Thursday, November 4, 2010

"In God We Trust" part 2

The day before I got the email I posted about yesterday, "In God We Trust," I was walking down a path and there were pennies everywhere and I thought to myself that someone must have taken a walk and dropped a penny every few feet. I didn't pick any of the pennies up but thought it weird that there were so many pennies on this walk.

Forward one day. I go to the store and park. I get out of my car and notice a penny on the ground. I don't pick it up. I go into the store. The store was clearing out many things as it is moving to a new location. The meat was on sale so low that people had their carts full of meat. I went to the meat section and got many types of chicken for a very good deal. I get a phone call from a friend asking me if I want a small chest freezer. I tell him I would love one. Now, I have somewhere to put the meat.

The store had carts of all types of things, I filled my cart with things I use anyway for much cheaper than normal. I was feeling wonderful about my purchases. The store was having a punch card deal where you punch the amount spent and when the card is full, then scratch the card and win what it shows. The last two cards I won $1. This time, I won $5. Also, they were giving out "Turkey cash" for $.50 off with so much spent. I had $9 in cash off. Also, they do another community saver card where you get $5 off each $100 spent.

So, I got $14 off my total but when I went to customer service to cash in the $5 on the card, I was telling the manager how grateful I was to win the $5. The manager said "If you donate that $5 to the elementary playground fund, I will give you one of these 4 cards, your choice. You won't be disappointed." So, I donated the $5 and picked one of the four cards and won $20.

I thanked the manager and asked if he would sign the card for me so I could put it on my gratitude frame. He did. Not only did I get my groceries at a huge discount, I got $34 in cash for the different coupons, games, saver cards and on my way out to the car I found another $.50 off coupon and as I was getting in my car, I picked up the penny and thought, "It is my lucky day and I am going to put this penny on my gratitude frame."

I got home and opened my email a bit later and the email about "In God We Trust" was in my inbox. I do think God put that penny there to let me know I do need to continue trusting Him. He has kept me home with my girls for 8 years now. I haven't worked outside the home and living on a limited income to be able to stay home and be there for them, I have had to trust him. I stress often and need His gentle reminders that I do need to trust him more.

I am so glad that I have this blog to be able to share these things even if they are only a journal for myself and my kids, it is a reminder of how blessed we are and how much he continues to watch over us.

I pray our nation, and each of us, can keep trusting in Him!

1 comment:

  1. This is so much more then just a journal for you and your kids. I hope someday you will be able to see just how many lives you have touched with this blog.
