
Monday, November 8, 2010

Good News / Bad News

I got some Good News that is Bad News today. Have you ever felt that way?

My oldest who is serving a mission in the Philippines is still having health problems so they decided (almost for sure) to send her home a few weeks early so she will be home for Thanksgiving. She once again tells everyone the good stuff and sticks the other stuff in my email but I will clip and paste most of it here so you can see what is going on and I don't get a ton of calls. :-)

Funny aside, I was sitting in church today and thought of her and burst into tears and had to leave the meeting. I guess my intuition kicked in. I haven't cried other than a few tears at drop off when she left so my dream about her going to a humid place and having her back out and almost leave early and have a Dr. help her at the end is coming true. I am hoping we can find out what is wrong. Keep us in your prayers!

Here is her note to me tonight before this email to everyone else tonight:"MOM: I might be coming home the 19th of November. The doctor just said it will hurt until I go home and am not walking miles a day (if that is the problem) but since I'm going home in a few weeks, I can't just take 3 weeks of here in the field. He offered the suggestion that I go home w/ this next batch so I can figure out what really is wrong and let my knees start healing instead of injuring them more here.

I asked Heavenly Father if my body could handle 3 more weeks or if I needed to let it rest from the strains of missionary work even for the last 3 weeks, and while I was at church on Sunday, I felt fine and all of a sudden I just felt sick and sat down then I fainted. I'm fine, I was fasting, it was hot but I've done that all before w/ no problem. but this time I ended up fainting. so all that combined happened and that was his answer that my body needs to rest.

They are working on adjusting my plans so I can come home with the next batch."

Now, here is her letter to everyone else.

"November 8, 2010

What happened this week. It rained forever! Its gotten cold. 9 girls in our group still don’t have power and won’t until mid December. In my first area, they still don't have power alinyagan (that isnt’ spelt right) no power=no water +flooding from heavy rains= living in the apartment in tumauini for 2-3 weeks. Their apt has flooded 2 or 3 times in 4 weeks. So they’ve only been in their area 1 week and have to shower after they pump their own water. Lol, I’m blessed. A bunch of houses flooded and here in Santiago we didn’t have problems, because we are high, but when we drove to a training, it was crazy to see the damage from the storm even weeks after and the floods.

This week hasn’t been very exciting, a little sick here and there, and I might be coming home a little bit sooner than I thought… so we will see what happens there. I won’t take up all your time to read this letter this week. Hope you are all well."

So, being torn about her being sick but being happy to see her a few weeks earlier and having her home for Thanksgiving it is a "good news/bad news" moment. Either way, I know God is in charge. He takes care of his children and I know whatever happens, it is His will.

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