
Friday, September 17, 2010

The Whole Fruit and Nothing but the Fruit

I hate to see anything go to waste. Time included. If something can be done quickly, it will be. If there is a faster way to do something, I will find it.

Because of frost, our fruit trees didn't produce as much fruit this year. I could have horded it, drying it for a later date, but I enjoy sharing what God has blessed me with so my youngest and I got bags for each friend in the neighborhood and put 6 beautiful nectarines in each.

As we were walking to the neighbors, she said, "I like sharing what we have." I told her "I do as well." I am so grateful that she has learned the "Pay it forward" idea and enjoys sharing. As we went from house to house, I collected several of our Tupperware containers from taking over veggie salsa and zucchini muffins. How blessed are we that I have so much to share when so many have nothing? And, how blessed that so many others share their blessings with us!

I kept the more imperfect looking nectarines and put them on the dehydrator tonight. I just rinse the fruit and use a knife and cut them into rings or wedges depending on the size and any bee stings on the fruit.

I also used a hammer and put each pit on edge and broke it open to expose a soft almond shaped nut. I posted about plum pits and their health benefits and have been enjoying the nectarine and peach pits as well.

So, my challenge to you.... Use the Whole Fruit!

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