
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fresh Corn on the Cob in Three Minutes

My neighbor gave me some fresh corn. I was going to use it for dinner tomorrow night but got hungry after working this evening so I looked in the fridge for a healthy snack and the corn looked good.

I didn't want to shuck and boil it as I usually do so I wondered how it would be microwaved right in the husks? I put it in the microwave for 3 minutes, shucked it and put butter right on it and added salt and pepper and was eating wonderful, hot, flavorful corn within 4 minutes of deciding what to eat.

I don't know how it would taste if it weren't going to be eaten right away. It was so good, I put another two cobs in and finished them off as well. Tasted just as wonderful as if they were boiled.

I have heard of people putting them on the grill in the husk before. I'll have to try that another day.

When you only have a minute but want a healthy snack, try corn!

1 comment:

  1. I have grilled them in the husk and it is wonderful. If you soak them in salted water for a couple of minutes the water will steam inside the husk. It is very good!!
