
Monday, September 20, 2010

Imperfect but Sweet

Our nectarines are so sweet the bees go to town on them leaving trails and sticky sap on many similar to the trails on watermelon. The sweeter the melon, the more trails on the skin, peel or rind. Sometimes the most deformed fruit is the most sweet and tasty. Bugs can sense the sweeter fruit.

I think sometimes people are that way. Weathered and marred from "stings" but if we take the time to open them up, we find they are often the most kind and learned spirits of God.

Many times when I have met someone that seems a bit "stung" and marred, I find out what their likes are and make a sincere effort to get through that outer mess. Most times, I find something wonderful inside.

Have you ever picked a piece of fruit that looked so beautiful on the outside but when you started eating it, it was pithy and had no flavor? Or, have you eaten the fruit and it tasted sweet and fine only to bite in and get a mouthful of rotten in the center including a worm or bug? I think people are also like that.

Some look beautiful and amazing. You hang around them because they “look good” or “seem fun” but after being with them for awhile, you find they have no flavor. They aren’t what they appeared to be.

There are others who look great. You spend time with them and they seem sweet. You enjoy their company. Then, perhaps they gossip or tell little lies. They aren’t as sweet as they first seemed. You are “bugged” by their behavior just as the apple or fruit had bugs.

Is there anyone in your life that seems deformed and "stung?"
Pray to God about how you can get through to enjoy the sweet inside. Just as I don't like to waste fruit, I feel the same about people. God didn't make something that wasn't perfect in some way. Each of us has perfection in something, even if we don’t look perfect and have weathered the stings and trials of life, we each have something to offer another.

Look for the perfection in each "fruit" and enjoy the sweet flavor of even the most deformed and scarred.

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