
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sweet Sixteen Fun

My third daughter turned 16 this week. We usually take cake and ice cream to the school lunch room and give it to all their friends and a few others as they always have more friends when treats are involved.

This year is her Jr. year in high school. She said that all her friends go out to lunch. I asked what she wanted to do? She asked if we could just go to Wendy's for lunch? I contacted a few friends and had them notify everyone to meet at Wendy's for lunch to enjoy cake and ice cream. I didn't tell my daughter. I stuck balloons, cake and ice cream in the trunk. I picked up both my high school kids and we drove to Wendy's.

The birthday girl wanted to drive through and eat at the park. Earlier she texted saying she wanted to have me pick up the food and meet them. However, she got out of the car and saw the balloons and cake in the trunk and she got excited.

It is tradition, how could I skip it? I asked if she liked that I did it or would have rather eaten alone and she was happy that I planned a party. Every time, including yesterday, at least one of the girls friends says, "I wish my mom would do this for me." or, "No one gives me a surprise." etc. I love giving the girls happy memories with friends. I took plenty of pictures and video which will be added to past memories and will come in handy for the Jr. Prom video slideshow.

We did our family party before her older sister went off to college. What does a teenage girl want most? clothes...... new phone, and she did get some sweet ipod accessories. Everything has been enjoyed already!
Happy Sweet Sixteen my beautiful daughter!

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