
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Count Your Blessings....

I bought this little wall hanging craft a few years ago. I really liked the saying, "Count your blessings as they come and go." I have it hanging on a door at the end of a hall so every time we go into one of the five rooms off the hall, we see it. It is a constant reminder for me to be grateful and count my many blessings. It is actually on my laundry room door so when I head in to fold laundry, I am reminded to give gratitude while I fold listing the things I am grateful for in my life.

My youngest child wanted to play the clarinet in band this year. I looked at some used stores and found one in good condition for about $65 which is less than renting one for a year.

When I looked at the name on the clarinet case, I laughed. It is a "BLESSING" clarinet! I couldn't help but think that the angels in the sign above had worked their little miracles to get us a clarinet for that price with the name "Blessing."

School started and the band teacher had a "rent an instrument" and "buy a book" night at the school with two different companies. My daughter didn't know about cork grease and the cork on the mouthpiece broke. We took it in to have it looked at and neither company had a cork with them. The instructor had several mouthpieces there and told us to borrow one until we could get hers fixed.

I went to buy the beginning clarinet book. It was the only book they sold out of that night. I asked the teacher to write down the name of the book so we could find one elsewhere. He went into the other room and came out with this book and told us to just borrow it for the year.

So, it turned out to be a blessing that they were out of the books. It saved me about $13 or so and the borrowed (and sterilized) mouthpiece is working well. She is already sounding out songs. Plus, for the price of a rental, we own the instrument and if needed, could sell it for the same price we purchased it.

I can't tell you how many times things like this happen in my life. Daily little blessings happen. Some are involving others so I can't share them as they would be personal to them but when I can, I love to share with others how God blesses our family. It is a constant reminder that I have a watchful father who cares about me.

I often list my blessings while in bed before falling asleep at night. It is much more enjoyable to count your blessings than sheep! What are some of your blessings? Count them as they come and go.

1 comment:

  1. I was sitting in church on Sunday and could hardly sing the hymn because I was thinking of how grateful I am for the Savior's atonement, my family, and all the dear friends we associate with. We have also been blessed with little sweet blessings as you describe in your post; I can see that recognizing the blessings you receive has brought you so much joy and certainly your grateful heart makes God more willing to bless you.
