
Monday, September 6, 2010

Saving your Recipes from Disaster

A few years ago I had a huge stack of recipes that I collected from friends, family, stores and magazines that I couldn't use because I couldn't find the one I needed when I needed it because they were loose.

Does anyone remember the magnetic photo albums that used to be popular but that would make your photo stick and when you tried to remove it, it would rip the back off the photo or cause them to yellow?

I had many of those I bought over the years and tried to think of a clever way to use them other than for photos. I came up with using them for a recipe book. They hold the recipe in place and the recipe card is protected by plastic so you can wipe it clean if anything spills on it.

Also, by placing them in a binder, you can add recipe booklets shared by friends or cut from a magazine just by punching holes into them and putting them in the right section of the binder.

I had so many recipes that I put them into three different binders. I have them by alphabetical order. It is so easy now to find the recipe I am seeking just by grabbing the appropriate letter binder for the section I need. Then opening to the section wanted, in this case Banana Nut Bread/Muffins, and there you have it! You can tell that the recipes at the top have been very used. Three of them are used regularly for many years. When I taste something I like, I get whatever paper available and write it down right then afraid that I may forget or not get with them later to get it. Most of the foods on this blog have been acquired that way, thus the many papers in my album.

Also, if I cut out a recipe from a magazine and it is in the album, if we make it and don't like it, it is very easy to throw it away. Even if it stuck, we can just cover it with another recipe we liked better.

I used old work binders and using the recycled photo album pages, they didn't cost a thing. I worked on cutting and sorting the recipes while watching family movies and writing down what was in each movie and who was in each scene. It was nice to be able to organize two things at once and keep myself entertained with family movies while organizing.

I like the pockets in the front so I can quickly put a recipe in there until I have the time to sort them. I'll watch a movie and sort them every few years if I get a collection going. It would be better to just file as you go but I'm not that organized..... Yet. :-)

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