
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Zucchini, Zucchini, Everywhere Zucchini

I think this week will be dedicated to what you can do with zucchini. I have the green wonders everywhere. I have had 2 large zucchini on my counter for a few days, I have several in the fridge along with some in a pan from dinner, (which was really good by the way - as you can see in the photo) and several large zucchini in the garden.

I made zucchini muffins today. It is the third time I have made them this summer and each time I tripled the recipe. I put them in Tupperware and distribute them around the neighborhood. We have had a run of deaths in our area and it was nice to be able to take something over for the family to nibble on rather than a full meal. Sometimes in grief situations, small things are easier to digest. So, twice this week I took a large Tupperware of muffins and a Tupperware of dried mixed fruit over with a sympathy card.

I always have a few Tupperware sectioned containers full of fruit that the kids can take to parties or I can give for a gift. Lately, we have given them for bereaving families as well.

For years now I have made large amounts of muffins of all kinds. Our favorites are zucchini, banana nut and apple. I put several of each kind in a Tupperware so there is a variety in each container and freeze them.

I sent one of the frozen container to college with my daughter last month. She said how nice it was for her to be able to grab a muffin out of the freezer, put it in the microwave for a second and eat it for breakfast on her way to school and work.

I actually like eating muffins frozen. I also like to heat them for a second in the microwave and put butter in the center after cutting it in half.

So, tomorrow I'll share my favorite zucchini muffin/bread recipe. Here is to going green!

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