
Friday, September 3, 2010

Freezing Harvested Corn

Many years ago we had a friend that let a farmer grow crops on her land. The aggrement was that they could take what they and their friends and family wanted in exchange. So, we went and got garbage bags of corn. We would freeze it and eat it all year.

I tried dehydrating corn but it just doesn't rehydrate the same. So, my tried and true way to keep the freshness and enjoy corn is freezing. I think it is cheaper to buy canned corn that to actually can it yourself so I buy canned corn when it is on sale but when we get fresh corn, we freeze it.

I did blanch it in cheese cloth years ago but now, I just wash the corn and remove all silk and cut out any bad parts. I then get my Pampered Chef self sharpening knife out and start cutting down the cob.

I tried several types of "Corn cutters" but they made a mess, sprayed me with corn juice and I didn't get a uniform cut. Here is one I tried this week but once again was disappointed. I am sticking with my sharp knife and cutting board. Just make sure to wear an apron.
Once I have cut enough to put in a quart size freezer Ziploc bag, I fill the bag, lable it and put it in the freezer until I need it. It was very good in the Vegetable and Black Bean salsa I made this week and put on as a post a few days back.
It is such a quick way to enjoy corn. I have also frozen it on the cob in gallon bags but with limited freezer space and kids with braces, it is a better bet for me to cut it off the cob and then freeze. You can also put some Real Salt (our family favorite), pepper and a few tablespoons of butter in the bag so all you have to do it pour it into a glass dish and microwave or put it in a sauce pan with a few teaspoons of water, cover and steam for buttery fresh tasting corn.
There is nothing like farm fresh corn!

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