
Monday, September 27, 2010

Now You See It part 2

Ok, so I wrote the "Now you see it" part one a few weeks ago but didn't post it because I didn't want it to be lost when we went for her next check up. So, since we were going Friday last week to the Dr. for her next eye exam, I decided to post part 1 on Thursday.

You won't believe what happened. She tried on the newer contacts they ordered in but the right eye was blurry so she didn't wear them for the week. She put them on right before going to the visit. She said it was so blurry that it was making her sick.

The Dr. checked and her eye had improved again. HER RIGHT EYE IMPROVED SO MUCH IN THE TWO WEEKS SINCE HER LAST VISIT THAT SHE CAN NOW WEAR NORMAL CONTACTS IN BOTH EYES! No special order needed and they are normal price!

No change for a year. In a month, her right eye went from a negative 6 on the right eye to a negative 2.75. What a huge blessing in her life. Rather than having to wait a week or two for the special order contacts, the doctor went right in and picked out normal cheap contacts in stock and she put them in and could see clearly for the first time without glasses in 3 years. She still has issues with seeing and needs the help of glasses or contacts but with gratitude and looking at the issues that create her "not wanting to see," I have no doubt that her eyes will continue to improve.

Her sister asked me to help her look at the issues she has with her vision. I keep telling them "the secret is gratitude!"

The right side of the body holds masculine issues, left side of the body holds feminine issues. The question I ask people with bad vision in the right eye would be, "What don't you want to see clearly with someone masculine in your life?" Once the issue comes up we use the script on the main page for tapping or EFT to tap out the issue. If nothing comes up, we word associate like I wrote about before.

My excitement is for what else this can transform in our lives. It is endless.

Happy Tapping!

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