
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

En Lighten Me

We have a street light across the street from my house. I live in a dead end street with several undeveloped lots. One day a few weeks ago, I was in my garage finishing up a project when I looked out at the street and it was BLACK. I couldn't see anything.

I had never realized how much light that one street lamp gives our cul-de-sac. I was a bit startled and scared for a minute to see such blackness. I closed the garage and called the city the next day. I guess they got someone to come and look at it but something was wrong with the lamp not just the bulb. They came four different times to work on the bulk fixing its crooked top, cleaning the glass, checking the bulb and eventually figuring out what was causing it to not work.

I never told my kids anything about calling or how dark it was but the first night this week it was working, my daughter commented "Hey we have light!" They missed it on their own as well.

I couldn't help but think that sometimes this is how we are when we don't have Heavenly Father in our life. We may have borrowed light for awhile but lose it. Until times are really dark in our lives, we don't realize how much we miss or used that light as a source of comfort and guidance. When the night was dark, we couldn't see very far in front of us without that light. Especially when all neighbors lights were out.

I think this is how life is without God. We can't see much in front of us and the future looks bleak and scary. We don't know which way to go to be safe and each step takes strength and causes fear. Sometimes we can use (or borrow) the light from other friends and neighbors to see the path but it isn't as powerful as the larger lamp post.

However, when God is put in the picture and the light bulb turns on, we can see clearly in the dark. We can have faith and take the steps needed to progress without fear. Even though there is darkness all around us, the direct path in our lives has light and we can KNOW for sure which path God wants us to take as he lights that path for us.

I hope you have many people in your life that "share their light" and act as lamp posts and share God's light with you making the path clear and safe.

May you also be that light for others. Since you are reading this, you must be one of the people I count as a light in my life! But, most of all, I hope you know that your loving Father in Heaven's light is always there for you. Christs light is also there brighter than any other light if we just reach out to him and share in that light!

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