
Friday, September 24, 2010

Mother Daughter Bunko Fun

I started a bunko group in my neighborhood over 16 years ago. I did it to get to know some of the women in my area better. Most of us were young moms with children of similar ages.

12 of us are in the group and there have been a few that moved away over the years but the main part of the group still remain.

I did my last "Mother/Daughter Bunko Night" tonight. Over the years, we have had couples bunko when I hosted over Valentines, and this will be the fourth and last Mother / Daughter bunko night. It was fun to get to play with the girls. There are some whose children have moved on with no children left at home. We have our first grandma in the group.

The theme of tonight's was "breakfast for dinner." People wore their pajamas and we had breakfast for dinner. I did "Jays famous french toast" I posted about before and "Banana Nutmeg waffles" which are also posted. I then made cheesy eggs and regular eggs. I made most of it last night and then just put it all in the oven for an hour before it started to heat it up which saved me stress. We had berries and fruit, sausage, and lots of pastry. We did have cake for desert.

I wish now I had taken pictures of the tables and food. I used our fall leaf plates, place mats, napkin rings, salt and pepper, serving bowls etc. It looked so autumny. However, it was a bit crazy as there were children of all ages about. I did get a photo of me with each of my girls during the game which made it a memorable night.

Some of the other themes have been or could be: Favorite star, American Idol, literary character, inventor, princess/prince, Disney night, etc for Mom and kids bunko. We have done several different themes depending on the month matching the holiday or season with the food and the decor along with matching prizes.

I joked about having a "Grandma / Grandchild night in a few years. We all laughed but I can see it happening in the not so distant future! My how time flies.

Happy rolling!

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