
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Now You See It......

My youngest daughter fell on some ice at school and is very blind in one eye as she hit her cornea on the ice. It has been three years since her fall. We watched her eye for a few months for the corneal swelling to go down. Her eye got a little bit better. Then, during the next year, it got even bit better. This past year, no improvement.

We asked the Dr. about contacts. Because she is so blind in that eye and bad in the other as well, six sets of contacts cost $250.

For a single mom on a limited income, that is an unreasonable amount. Also, what if she lost her glasses or cracked them like the last two pair she owned? I wanted to allow her to try them just to see if they would be an option for special occasions. So, the Dr. ordered a trial set and we looked at the prices. When I found out how much they were, I talked to my daughter about working on the issues that may be linked with "not wanting to see things clearly in life."

We set out to tapping (EFT) which I describe in my blog pages on the home page. We used word association to work on the issues. For example, "What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of not being able to see clearly?" Then she would say something like "blurry." Then I say, "When I say "Blurry" what comes to your mind?" She says, "Ice." I then say, "Ice." She says "fall", I say "Fall" and she says, "School." etc.

Most of her issues dealt with my divorce and her not wanting to see what was happening with her parents. None of my kids needed glasses until the divorce. I also did foot reflexology on her feet about four times and I also rubbed essential oils on the "eye" reflex area on the toes.

When she put the trial contacts in, she said they were blurry. We went in today, less than two weeks since her last eye exam and check up in which there was no change in her eyes for over a year. She couldn't see with the contacts in. After the exam the Dr. said that her left eye is so much better now that she can wear the cheaper contacts and he ordered a new contact to try for the other eye!

No one can tell me that tapping doesn't work! I am going to continue to work with her on letting go of "not wanting to see things." I have also talked with her about having gratitude for what she can see. Giving thanks for being able to see flowers, trees, people, movies etc. I give gratitude for my eyes at least weekly when I see a beautiful sight and I don't need glasses when many of my siblings and parents wear them.

So, I'll let you know how it goes but even if there isn't more change, I am giving gratitude that at least one of her eyes will be able to wear thinner and cheaper contacts and pray to our loving Heavenly Father that we can heal the other enough as well!

Just glad we no longer live the law of Moses, "An eye for an eye!" Happy seeing!

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