
Monday, June 21, 2010

Buying Better Peanut Butter

I briefly mentioned in a past post about the addition of Rapeseed oil in peanut butter. I had a friend mention that after I told him about it, he looked it up and how horrible it is and wondered how they could get away with adding that to our food.

From that, I figured I would do a whole post on it. I LOVE peanut butter on bananas, in ice cream, etc. I however, can't eat it if it has rapeseed in it. I get really acidic in my mouth after eating it and don't feel very good. I wondered if I was developing an allergy to peanuts but then started looking at the ingredients.

When I saw that they are adding Rapeseed I knew what the problem was. Rapeseed comes from the Rape plant. It is called that because it is a plant that takes over and no insect or animal will touch it because it is toxic to the brain. Because they don't need pesticide and it is easy to grow, they tried to find a use for it.

Knowing that no sane person would eat oil of Rapeseed. They went to Canada, started growing it and made an oil out of it calling it "Canola" a cross of Canada oil. Giving a big push with advertising they could undercut the good oils in price making Canola oil so much cheaper as the plant needed no tending etc. So, they started selling huge amounts of the "wonderful" Canola oil in the US. After many years of use, they now claim it as just plain rapeseed oil as they don't have to go through Canada.

Looking at the backs of any cheap peanut butter, you will find rapeseed oil. Do a taste test and see which you like better but comparing, I like the Adams natural with nothing but peanuts. The oils separate and you have to stir in the oils before use but I am ok with that. My girls like the sugar added types so I usually get Skippy Natural for them. I have tried 3 or 4 other types recently. Some are organic, some have molasses, some have plain sugar etc. BEWARE of Adams easy to spread as I thought Adams would be natural all around but they add Rapeseed oil to the easy spread. The best bet, is to read the labels.

I suggest you don't take my word for it. Do a search on rapeseed oil and rape plant and see for yourself how toxic it is to animal and human brains. It is like the artificial sweeteners such as aspartame/sucralose/NutraSweet etc. They know it is toxic but someone is making tons of money on it so they keep allowing the sale.
We as the consumer need to be reading the labels and holding someone accountable even if it is just by not buying their product.
Want a scary read, look up bovine growth hormone and cancer in kids.
Hope you have a healthy happy future void of toxins from conspiring men here and afar......

Enjoy your Better Peanut Butter Sandwich!

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