
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Mad Hatters of Service

Several years ago I bought some hat knitting circle weavers and my girls used them but the younger girls couldn't quite figure it out. They got put away for many years.

When we went to Peru, I took several sets of these and showed the natives how to use them. They were excited about how easy they worked a hat together.

This week, I was going on a bit of a drive with my girls and we would have some sitting time so I pulled a few out and grabbed some camo yarn suggesting that we could make some hats for the woman shelter and the hospital for the newborn babies. The girls were excited about it. They were now old enough to figure it out and after finishing the first hat, they were motivated to make more.

My youngest made two today. She is excited to try a few more types of yarn to see the outcome. They took about 2 1/2 hours to make with a few snack trips in that time. One skein of yarn makes 2 infant hats.

The red loom is the child size. She is working on her first child sized hat here.

I am working on a large loom/knitter and I doubt any one's head is that large but will finish it and deliver it to the homeless shelter none the less. The larger hats take more time and more yarn. Looking online, I see that they took the largest loom out of the newer kits for sale, which is a good idea after seeing the final product. It would fit Andre the Giant.

The girls were cute tonight saying, "Now we have hat making skills!" using a "Napoleon Dynamite" line.

My third daughter has several groups with which she donates service hours. She was excited to find something she can enjoy while watching a movie or listening to a talk tape or her ipod.
The "Knifty Knitter" has round and long looms for scarfs and they sell books so you can make more projects. It is made by "Provo Craft."
I am afraid I've created some Mad Hatters! They are so easy, perhaps you can become a Mad Hatter as well!

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