
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sleeping on Air!

I blogged the other day about tents made with blankets and furniture. I commented on making a tent with a sheet and fan. I have been working on sorting family pictures and today, I found this picture (actually a color copy someone gave me) that I didn't know I had. It is my older sister and I in a fan tent at about age 9 and 11.

I found this after I made a tent bubble with my youngest and her friend this afternoon. So, with finding the picture and having made the tent, I figured it was meant to be that I blog the fan tent bubble.

We only used one fan growing up but I happen to have two box fans. So, we put one at each end and with that much fan power, we only had to secure the one side. We used furniture and tucked the sheet under the fan on that side and put books ontop of the fan to hold the sheet on the fan and the other side wasn't secured down except at one end with two books as you can see in the picture.

This made it much easier to get in and out and gave it a high "ceiling" and allowed for an extra cubby "room" that they thought was fun. I turned off one of the fans while the girls were in the tent and with that one side open, the tent went down to almost the ground. It didn't do well with the one side open. If we had only one fan, we would have had to use books to seal the other side of the tent to keep it "afloat."

The girls had just as much fun as my sister and I did when we were there age. My youngest had fun talking into the fan and hearing her words chop up. It only took about 3 minutes to put up and gave them quite an enjoyable afternoon.

Have fun playing in your bubble!

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