
Monday, May 17, 2010

Purple Turkey, Pumpkin, Christmas or Birthday Game

This game has had more comments than probably any other activity or game I have ever done or played. I have used this at more class parties, church activities, primary and elementary class parties and family gatherings.

It can be adapted to any event. Just go in and change the "Happy Birthday" to "Merry Christmas" and depending on the holiday or event, you can wrap tiny gifts in each layer.

You print off the list below. Cut it into strips. Get a small prize such as a candy bar. Start wrapping the candy bar and place a strip of paper in each layer. We use old newspaper to recycle but you could use tissue or wrapping paper. If you have a small prize for each layer so each player gets a prize, put a prize in each layer. If you don't have a small prize, you can hand out a small treat after each person does their activity as an incentive to get them to participate. Once the strips are wrapped, you are ready to roll. One or two of the activities on the list require a bell or some other small prop. If you don't want to have to take props, just edit which papers go into the game.

Depending on the amount of people playing, this game can take some time. Make sure you have a camera or video because it gets people moving and laughing. Every time we have played this game, I get requests for a copy.

It is called the "Purple Turkey Game" as we first played it at a "Purple Turkey Party" some friends threw for Thanksgiving as they had a little purple stuffed turkey and they made the game interactive with this purple turkey. I got a copy from them and just modified it for whatever party I was in charge of at the time.

Here is the list:

Walk down 4 chairs to the left, kneel down and tell them "I LOVE YOU"

Ask the person on your right what their favorite animal is, then act out that animal.

Blow Kisses to every other person around the circle.

Sing a “Hannah Montana song” to the group.

Jump on one foot 20 times saying I’m a Rock Star! each time.

Congratulations, you don’t have to be silly this turn!

Sing the Barney, “I love you” song to the person on your left.

Stand on your chair and give us the official Karate Kid pose.

Stand in the middle, close your eyes, turn a few circles while pointing. When you stop, whoever you're pointing to, walk over and kiss their elbow.

Count around the circle 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 etc. ever person with #4 must stand with you and do the hokey pokey.

For the next 3 turns, lay under your chair.

As the audience sings the song, wag your tail and beg to, "Who let the dogs out!"

Count down the line to your right 10 people. Tell this person something you like about them.

Tell everyone your most embarrassing story.


Do your best Hard Rocker imitation.

Count down 5 people to the right and give them a shoulder massage.

Close your eyes, spin around 3 times, point and walk over and sit on their knee and tell them what you want for Christmas.

Sing a birthday song to whoever’s birthday is next.

Take off your shoes and socks, play, “this little piggy” on yourself!

Take your chair into the middle, and open the door into your brand new race car. Let's watch you take a few laps around the race track, with a good crash at the end.

You’re the new Leader of this group. What are some of the activities you would have?

You’re a kitten. You haven't been petted in 3 days. Crawl around the circle meowing while everyone pets your back.

You’re the man!!! Stand on your chair...beat your chest... sing your Tarzan song...

Congratulations, you won the Miss America pageant. Take your victory march waving with tears around the circle.

You're a Rock Star turkey! Show us your excitement while laying your first egg!

You are Britney Spears. Walk to your right 5 people and give them your best song and dance.

You're 3 years old and you just learned the ABC song. Share in your baby voice the ABC song.

You've been working out 6 hours a day for the last 6 years. You’re buff! You know it!! You're now competing for Mr. Universe! Let's see those muscles as you try to impress us, your judges!

It must be your birthday! You don't have to do anything!

You lucky dog... it’s a full moon. Howl!

You’re a tele-tubbie. Sing the song.

Hold open the outside door and yell out to the neighborhood, “Happy Holidays” and I’m a Rock Star!” (remember if it's not loud enough you'll have to do it again) We'll have a vote.

Pretend you are in the Olympics and swim around the floor in a race to the finish. Stand on the platform and get your gold medal.

You are a song writer. Sing us the first line of a song you wrote.

You are a baby eating a lemon. Make all the sour faces and cry like a baby.

Close your eyes, for the next two turns.

Sit with your back towards the group for two turns.

You are lucky, you get to take another turn.

Every other person gets to sing “you light up my life” to the person on their left.

Get down on one knee and ask the nearest person to your left of the opposite sex to Marry you!

Do your best break dance and robot dance for 20 seconds

Do the “if your happy and you know it clap your hands” song with every 4th person

Walk around the circle and tell every person in the circle a different animal and then you have them make that animal noise to the tune of “Old Mac Donald has a farm” for one verse.

Pretend you just won “Publisher Clearing house Sweepstakes $10,000,000 prize

You can add more activities. Be creative and make it specific to your family. The options are endless.

Now, its your turn to play the game! Count to five, open the address book in your email and forward a link to this blog to your entire email list and tell them how much you enjoy it! :-) Happy Purple Turkey to you all!

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