
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fun Photo Shoots Part 1

Our Family has a love of pictures. I guess it is the vanity of having lots of girls. We have thousands of photos. I am a creative person and I think that with that I go outside the box when I do a photo shoot. I am going to add several pictures of one of our favorite photo shoots.

We usually do them around Thanksgiving time so that we can use the cute photos for a Christmas card. I don't think I will explain each photo but do want to say, we did have a professional photographer take a few photos before we did our own shoot. She came back as she had a photo shoot after ours. She saw all the cute photos I was taking and told me later when we went to get our proofs that several other photographers saw what I did and she saw them taking the same photos I had with their "clients" and thought that was funny.

So, with that information, here is a photo shoot from about 4 years ago. I took some not on the digital camera of us on rocks, by the stream and others but this will give you an idea of some creative things. You can see how we carried one theme to the next area and then tried different things in that area and then moved on. We had some fun one's at the gazebo as well. I will add more on this later as there are some other creative things we have done.
Happy photo shoot!

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