
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

BIG WIN part 2 - Second Win Valentines Again part 2!

I wrote about my first big Valentines Day week win a few weeks ago. The following are entries in my journal for the two years following my first big win in 2003. This picture is the wrapping and sticker from the Christus statue I got from my friend for Valentines 2004. I cut it into a heart and it is included on my gratitude frame.

The other pictures are from our trip to California we took with the cruise package I won Valentines week 2005 from Associated foods and Pepsi (Admiral Beverage Corp). They let me turn the cruise in and buy the 5 park pass and book my own hotel as well as $1000 for gas and food. My family spent 2 weeks in California visiting my sister, Disney, Sea World, San Diego Zoo, Knott's Berry Farm, beaches, San Francisco and more. Thank you Pepsi (above picture is from my gratitude frame) and Associated foods, but most of all, thanks Heavenly Father for answering a mothers prayer to be able to take one last family vacation as my oldest headed off to college.

"Friday, February 13, 2004 - Ray Klemets (name changed) comes up with a wrapped gift for me. He said he brought it for a speaker but the speaker wasn’t there and he asked the Lord whom he should give it to and he felt it was for me. I felt that the Lord was giving me a Valentines Day gift. I opened it up and it was a Christ statue like the one I've admired. I had just been thinking last week or so when I put up the new shelf in my front hall how I would love a bigger Christus to put on it. The Lord doth provide."

"Thursday, February 10, 2005 - I woke up to a call where a woman was leaving a message on the answering machine that I had won the cruise contest I entered. I sent in six entries hoping to win. She said I have a $3000 voucher to travel until the end of the year on any cruise line and to anywhere. I thought that was great and wonderful. Yesterday I was driving along and thought that Valentines Day is coming up. The Lord has given me something every year. I thought it would be hard to top the $700 and flowers of two years ago and look what he gave me this year. I am so blessed."

He did top the $700 from the year before; I guess you don't challenge the Lord! :-) The picture on the right is one on my gratitude frame from our trip. The one on the left is my wish for us all, "And they lived happily ever after!"

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