
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sprouting for Life Post 1

I have sprouted for years. I first sprouted 22 years ago from a kit my friend bought. I took a break for many years and have been sprouting for the past 12 years or so. I enjoy sprouts as they are but also enjoy using them in cooking.

I have had some bad experiences with sprouts molding and I have had some great experiences with us eating them daily for months. We get out of the habit when we go out of town or put them away for a party at the house or something and then it takes us awhile to get back into it.

Sprouts have protein. Most people think you need meat to get protein. You body has to work very hard to digest meat and many times it stays in your body fermenting causing illness.

Sprouts on the other hand are easy to digest and have more protein than any meat other than salmon. I have gone off meat several times in my life but the first time I stopped eating meat, I didn't get enough protein and didn't feel energetic. I have since learned that sprouts are a great way to get that protein.

We did an experiment with sprouts as I have pondered on what you would eat to stay alive and have energy if there were a huge nuclear event and you couldn't grow your own food outside. You also couldn't eat meat as it would be contaminated. Nuts are a good source of protein but hard to store long term as they go rancid. If you have grains stored but no beans. You don't have a complete protein. You can eat the grain and beans together for protein but get no nutritional value of living food. The soil is contaminated and you would be eating your seed.

With the above information, I decided that sprouts would be the way to go. You don't need soil or light to grow them. You could be in a bunker or sealed off in a basement and you only need a small amount of water. However, what you do need is unfiltered water or some minerals to put in the water so that the sprouts will grow as the water from outside will have nuclear run off in it so it would have to be filtered.

So, with that in mind, we did this experiment. We took wheat and sprouted it. We did it at the same time using, distilled water, filtered water from a tap filter (which is not as good as a gravity filter which I will go into on another post), filtered water with minerals added, and water from the tap.

First, you get a good seed from a place that you know has seed for sprouting, hopefully organic. If the grain is dead, it won't sprout. If it has mold in it, it will sprout but have mold causing foul taste and can cause headaches in some.

There are tons of different sprouters. I have probably 10 different types. I like them all in different situations. One is good for one person and carrying it for hiking. Others are good for several types at a time for small amounts; others are for several types and large amounts. I have trays for sprouting wheat grass; I have made my own using jars and plastic canvas. It doesn't need to cost much but whatever you use, you have to like or you won't do it.

Pour several tables spoons of grain or seed in a cup and soak it for 12 hours. Rinse and pour into sprouter. Rinse several times a day making sure the water drains off to avoid molding. Depending on the sprouts it will take from 2-7 days to get a long sprout. However, wheat sprouts are at their healthiest I am told when they just start to bud. The little white sprout begins to appear.

You can eat them at any point after the initial soaking. I will write another post on sprouts, my favorite mixes, making your own blends and other sprouting issues and post a recipe I like using sprouts.

Our experiment showed that the distilled didn't grow much of anything and molded. The filtered did very well which would depend on the type of filter. The tap water did well and that is what I usually use to rinse my sprouts. The filtered with minerals didn't do quite as well as I used liquid minerals.

I think if I did it again, which I may, I will use clay that can be purchased from Redmond Salt which would add those minerals back into the water. I think they may absorb better or not be as potent as the liquid minerals we used. However, every water worked except the distilled so with that in mind. I think sprouting is the way to go for minerals and protein if a nuclear event ever did take place.

Happy Sprouting for Life!

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