
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

End of an eRa - Saying Bye to the R

We have been talking about doing a photo shoot for weeks now. One of the near by schools is being torn down this summer. 

We thought it would be fun to go take some "goodbye" photos at the school. 

We wanted to go this weekend while we had most of the girls home but it rained a ton and some girls were home when the others were gone and at other times, a different girl was gone. 
I am kind of sad that we never got the girls together and just went to do it. We probably should have spent less time shopping and gone to take photos. ;-) 

I think it may have been that no one really wanted to get ready that day and Princess Four was gone most of the day on Sunday and then they both left on Monday.

Princess Five went to a friends most of the day today to work on getting ready for the 4-H camp they will be staffing in a week or two and then came home and mowed the lawn.
Ok, truth be told, she mowed the front lawn because it started raining something hard half way through. It was raining sideways as she came in.  
Now, I could have told her it was going to rain as my teeth and head have been hurting most of the day. (Click here for the human barometer post.
She had her ear buds in and didn't hear me as she passed and waved on her way out to the garage to mow. I, at this point, was lying on the couch trying not to move.

While I am grateful for the rain, my head is NOT grateful for the rain but I know the farmers are in need of rain and I am VERY grateful that God gives us a little rain every day instead of all at once as we need the rain without flooding as we had a mild winter. 
In fact, I have not turned my front sprinklers on yet as it has rained nearly every day for a month now. I know our prayers are being answered as many of the local church groups have been praying for rain! God does answer prayers. 
Anyway, back to the photo shoot. Princess Five asked if she could have a friend over after play practice and as we picked up her friend, I asked about doing a photo shoot as the rain had cleared. 
Her friend was in a t-shirt and basketball shorts. We stopped by the house and Princess Five lent her some clothes (from our shopping spree I posted about two days ago!) and  they grabbed the camera on their way out from the house.

I drove them to the school and we had a great time taking some fun photos to remember the R with. 

On days like today, I have to remember that the "R" doesn't stand for "Rain!" Didn't the "R" photos come out great!!!

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