
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Quick Twice Baked Italian Herbed Potatoes

I have mentioned in several posts about my twice baked Italian herbed potatoes because I thought I had written a post about them at some point. My guess is that I took the pictures to post about them and never actually posted about them. 

That situation happens more often than I would like to admit. The girls will ask me a question about something and I will tell them to go look it up on the blog and they tell me they can't find the post about the thing they were asking about. 

When I go through the pictures later, I find that I took them and never posted it. Other times, I will start a post about something and upload the pictures and maybe start writing and then get moving on to newer posts thinking I had finished and posted that post. 

I sometimes head back to the "draft" section on a day when I have had a long day and don't want to take lots of time on a post and hope to find one that is partially done. 

Today is a day like that. It was a very long day. I am still having lots of health problems. I haven't been sleeping well and even though I got tests done, I can't get in to see the Dr. for a few more weeks. I stopped at his office and showed him some new developments and he had a delivery he needed to attend and another patient and it was already after hours.
With that, I will post this as quickly as I can as it is nearer morning more than last night at this point in my very long day. 

To make these wonderful potatoes, wash the potato and if you want, you can peel it but I have done several types of different potatoes with the peels on and they all tasted great. We peeled these as they weren't the best potatoes but I prefer the peel on if they are in good shape. 

Cut the potatoes into cubes the size you like to eat. We like ours a bit chunky so we make them larger. 
Put the potatoes into a container that can be microwaved. I then use my favorite herb mix that I share on this post here.  

I dump the herb onto the potatoes and then drizzle olive oil onto them and then with clean, washed hands, I mix the potatoes to make sure they are all coated with herbs and oil.

I then cook the potatoes in the microwave on the "potato" setting until it says they are done. 

I then put the pan into the oven and let them bake until golden. 

This isn't funny but I thought I had uploaded the finished pictures onto this page. I deleted all the pictures and am just now realizing that the finished pictures aren't on here. So, You will have to trust me that they look amazing. :-) 

They taste even better than they look which at this point isn't saying much. ha ha!

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