
Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Day of Finishing... Princess Five

My day didn't go as planned and I got nothing on my "to do" list done but lots of things not on my list that just came up. 

So, my excitement about fixing the pipe bib the other day was premature. (see a link about the issues I've have with it here and the second one here.) I think I twisted the pipe in the wall and my basement family room is flooding and I didn't notice it because our wall bookshelf was out so when I put it away today, the wood cedar slats were jutting out. 

I thought they caught on the bookcase and went to push them back into the wall (see a post about that here) and stepped in wet. The entire wall is soft and I am so frustrated about water issues as we always have some in spring for some reason.(see post 1 here, click here to see that same spot flooded years ago, and if you want to see more, type "flooded" in the search box at the bottom of the page.) 

I know it could be so much worse but I have a huge day and weekend with company and now I have carpet ripped up and will be cutting into the ceiling and I still haven't finished working on my trailer etc. 

I have Bunko (see a post about my bunko group here) today at my house along with the company coming and washing the sheets etc. 

So, I decided to do a quick post about Princess five finishing projects a few weeks ago. Some of these things were started years ago. These pillows she started this fall to make for Christmas presents and they turned into Spring presents. She stitched their names on the front, sewed them, stuffed them and tied them. Here is a link to some in a "neck" shape and using small beads to fill it instead of stuffing. It was a big deal for Princess five as she likes to start things and not finish them. Here is one such project I posted about before. 
I hope tomorrow goes better than today. I got lots done but just not things anyone can notice or I can check off the list. 

Princess five crocheted this afghan for charity and we learned a few lessons on this. It was her first crochet project. She learned not to use more than one "fluffy" type yarn. Using three at the same time caused lots of tangling and knots between the yarn as she crocheted. (click here for the first post on how to make the afghans.)

She also leaned to count the stitches in the row. As you can see, she started out only to get smaller then bigger as she went. She changed colors and didn't pay much attention to amounts. If she had used one of each alternating, it would have been thinner stripes alternating which would have looked better than using all of one color and then all of another. 

These are the things that teach us. She was happy to get these four projects done. We have the baby blanket I posted about before to finish but her friends were happy she decided to give them the travel pillows she made for them.

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