
Friday, April 26, 2013

Bigger and Better Chair

Last summer we had an exchange student. We tried each day to give her a new experience. She  liked that we were able to let her have a real "American" experience. While here, we shared a game the kids in this town like to play. I had never heard of it before moving here but it is quite popular around town for the youth. 

They take some small item and go to a street and ask the people at each house if they have something bigger or better than what they start with. 

I posted about this last year. Click here to see the post. 

They usually do it with two teams and see who ends up with the better item. Both teams ended up with chairs. The chair in the picture was one they brought home. I don't need another chair but Princess One and her husband were down and thought the chair could be cute. 

Princess works full time and her husband works and is in graduate school and is doing his final major project so their time is limited for excess but she has been doing all sorts of fun projects lately when she can find the time. 

Today, she sent me this cute picture of the finished chair. She wrote, "Not a piece of junk for bigger or better now!" She painted it after sanding it and bought some cute fabric to cover the chair cushion. I think it came out really cute. The gold and brown wasn't working for anyone's house. I was going to take it to good will so I am glad she was able to use it.  

I had bunko today and about ten other things and it is 2 a.m. so I am glad she sent this picture so I could share it with you but still get my post done quickly and get some sleep before our extremely busy weekend. 

Hope you have a great spring weekend.

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