
Thursday, August 4, 2022

Reticulated Albino Python Snake - Fun Pet

There is a man in our town that has over 40 pets and most are snakes. He takes them to the park to let them move. He constantly has people coming up and taking photos. He was teaching me all sorts of things about snakes that I didn't know. 

The story behind me meeting this man is really interesting. I was at church and our Bishop owns a business in town. He was sharing about how we should share about Christ with others and he was saying that there is a man at his work who is the kindest man. He shared that he is a good worker and is so nice to share his pets with people. He said that he takes his son over to this man's home and he teaches his son about the snakes and let him hold them. The Bishop then said that he is scared to have the snake around his shoulders, but he at least will touch them now. 

So, I leave the church and meet up with some friends to do a few raids, and when we finished, I had to pass a park. It has four Pokemon stops, so I pulled in behind a car to spin the stops, and I see a guy pulling a tote out of the car. I then see him pull out a yellow and white item I thought was a blanket that he was spreading out on the grass to have a picnic. It didn't take me long to realize it was a HUGE snake! 

I got out and asked if he was "guys name" and he said he was! I told him that my Bishop was his boss and that he was talking about him not an hour before and what an amazing worker he was and how kind he is! He said that he LOVES my Bishop and his father and they are the best bosses and it is the best job he has ever worked! He LOVES them and he said he really enjoys when they take their son to visit him and his snakes. He taught me about the forked tongue and how the snake uses it to sense food. 

I have never seen a forked tongue up close before and this snake is so large. I got some close up photos of the tongue. It is really amazing. He shared how he feeds them large rabbits and has a breeder that breeds and raises them for him. He has a snake that weighs 150 pounds! He said that they like to rub against your feet and legs. I love that he enjoyed teaching me things. 

The hissing sound was rather scary on such a big snake as it was quite loud. I have never heard a snake hiss before. I have heard rattlers, but I have never actually thought about the "forked tongue" comments about snakes or the "what sound dose a snake make" and you say "hiss" but I hadn't really ever thought about it! I kinda feel silly that I am as old as I am and haven't heard a snake hiss! He told me that the reason the snake hiss, is that their lugs are about halfway down the snake and drawn out rather long. The diameter for the air to get out is the size of a pencil so it makes a hissing sound as the air goes through. He explains in the video that the air is coming out of the top of the nose and that it is so that as it comes upon prey, it doesn't blow air on them as the air is coming up the top of the nose and going backwards towards the eye.

I love that this man is sharing his knowledge and was so patient as people just kept coming up over and over for photos. He even took a photo of me holding the snake which I texted to my Bishop and challenged him to hold it next time he goes over. He said he would do it and text me the photo! It was a once in a lifetime event for me. 

I used to have a pet snake and it was maybe a foot long. This was a different experience. When I held it to take the photos shown on my blog, I put my arm out to try and show how long the snake was and it was trying to get to the ground and I was fighting to hold it up and out as it wanted down and it is STRONG! I realized that these really can kill a man. 

I have always wondered how people can't get out when a snake is closing in. I now realize that these long and large snakes have so much muscle to squeeze its prey, and that is what it is built for! Thanks snake man for sharing your pet and your knowledge! 

Have a blessed day! 

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