
Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Pokemon Meet Up - Love My New Friends

I have shared so much in the past few months about playing Pokemon. My girls have shared so much with me about how to play. 

On my last visit to Princess One's home, she and her husband taught me about the benefits of trading. They trade all the Pokemon they catch each day in hopes of getting lucky trades and have learned that if you get a random "lucky" trade, often times, they will give you two lucky in a row, so if you get one, trade a good one for the next trade. It actually worked and we got two in a row. 

I meet up to do raids with the local group a few times a week as we have a bit of a routine and if there are special raids or community challenges, we go out. 

The other day, someone posted saying they were at a gym and wanted to raid for a legendary Pokemon. It was the biggest group I have ever raided with. We had seven of us local and three were doing two devices, and my friend Matt and several others from the group joined in remote raiding. One of my family joined in as well. It is funny because the group is getting to learn the playing names of my friends and kids because they will jump on the raid if they can. I invite them all each time I do a group raid and if they are available, they will join in. 

I love when I get a shiny doing a raid as it is usually a bit better / stronger / higher power shiny as a pattern, shiny Pokemon are usually very weak. Even though they are better than other shiny Pokemon, they aren't usually as strong as the normal Pokemon. 

I decided to take a photo as there were many people at that raid. It was fun as we were able to win really quickly. When you raid with people you are friends with, you get more poke balls at the end to try and catch the Pokemon after the raid. I had 22 balls at the end of the raid! Usually, there are 16ish as there are two or three of us playing in the raid. 

I have really gotten to love the people in the group. They are so helpful and we talk after the raid about life and what is going on in our world. I have gotten closer to some than others, and a few have been my friends for many years. Who knew that playing a game could bring such amazing people into my world. 

I am still learning things. Just yesterday, I learned that you can dodge the attacks thrown by the larger Pokemon in raids!  These people who have been playing since the beginning and are in the mid to higher level 40's, they are such a wealth of knowledge on things and I continue to learn things each time I meet up with them. 

Yesterday, I was able to share something with them on where to be to get five spins at a time if you need to get more poke balls quickly. I don't get to share much with them, but I like when I can give back in some way! 

I have collected 300 higher value Pokemon to trade with all the kids when we go camping at the lake. I told them all to save higher ones to trade with me. It is nice that we can connect with this as well as in other ways. I used to feel left out when they would talk Pokemon terms, now, I can join in the fun! 

Have a blessed day!

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