
Friday, July 8, 2022

The Birthday Festivities Continue Watermelon Volcano Berry Cake

Grand-Princes One has always had a watermelon for his cake on his 4th of July Birthday. This year, things didn't work out that way because we had so much food in the fridge, that we didn't have room for the watermelon and pineapples if they were cut up, so he had to wait to have his "cake" until we cleared out some other food. 
They are in a home school group that meets weekly and they do assignments and other things. Due to his birthday and the holiday this week, they decided to have a swim party. 

They did have a little meeting where people shared something they learned this week which was fun and I loved seeing my 3 year old grandson telling the group that he learned that Vivaldi played the violin and taught the violin. We had a music moment this morning before school activities. 

They had the watermelon for their treat before the swim! I love how creative Princess One is with this and this year, she made it a volcano with steps curving around the side and the watermelon was exploding with berries of all kinds! 

It was my kind of cake!!!!! I have never really liked cake or cupcakes and it wasn't until I realized I had gluten issues that I realized why I have never liked cake! 

I would always purchase ice cream cakes for our family because of that reason. So, I LOVE what she has done in making a tradition of having watermelon and berries for his birthday "cake" and celebration! 

 She always carves the age number into the melon so we always know what year it is for him. She also puts candles into the cake and lets him blow it out! HE LOVES IT! 

I was glad I was able to come and participate in the birthday celebrations that have lasted all week! I am feeling very grateful for this adorable little family! I was able to watch the kids and put them to bed tonight and allow their mom and dad to have a dinner and date night! It was nice spending that one on one with the kids and I could tell their parents enjoyed some "alone" time as they don't get that often without family to sit, a date night can get expensive! 

Have a blessed Day!

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