
Monday, July 11, 2022

A Nice Birthday Celebration

I spent a week visiting Princess One and her kids. It was longer than I planned to stay, but the grand-kids asked me to stay and I offered to babysit for Princess One and her husband to have a date night. 

Since I would be heading home on a weekend, I called Princess Two and asked if she would be available to do a meal if I took a detour to visit her.

She told me that she wanted to go see a play and checked online to see if she could get us tickets to either the matinee or evening performance but had to work around a blind date her friend set up. 

She went to lunch on the date, we went to a matinee performance and then went to sushi for dinner. She treated me for my birthday and then we played a few games at her place and we traded some Pokemon as I learned this week about the benefits of doing trades. 

It is an anniversary month and they are giving out extra mega candy on each trade. I didn't know until this week that if you trade with someone from a far away location, you get more candy the further away the Pokemon was caught. In trading with Princess One and her husband, I was getting four regular candy and a mega candy for each Pokemon. I traded all the larger unwanted Pokemon from my home town, and then traded the ones I caught in Princess One's town with Princess Two and got four Pokemon candy and a mega candy for each of those as well! 

We had a great time spending time together. I am so blessed to have such amazing girls. Happy Birthday to me! 

Have a blessed day!

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