
Monday, July 25, 2022

Longest Call of His Life - 8 1/2 Hours on the Phone

I have had some long phone calls in my life, but I was on the phone today for over 8 hours straight. I was trying to describe something over text and had a text written, but it was taking a long time to type out, so I ended up just calling this person instead. 

I can't remember the last time I had that long of a call with someone, but it has been years. I can't say for sure I have even had that long of a call. He told me it was the longest call of his life for sure! Either way, it was like being on the phone for a full work day! 

I was so tired after only a few hours sleep the night before that I fell asleep in the chair again before even starting my blog post. I will have to share my regular post tomorrow as today, the chair and sleep are winning the race to post! 

Have a blessed day!

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