
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Almost $400 in New Supplements to Try

I have been studying up on my health situation and researching all I can on thyroid and what can be done naturally to heal it. 

I have been struggling so much as I tried so many different medications and they just make me feel horrible and I gained 20 lbs over the several months I tried taking it. 

In doing my research, I found many things that look like they may help. After the last round of trying the medication for my thyroid, I was having so many heart palpitations that I couldn't sleep and I was having them all day. 

I stopped the medication, and then I still had palpitations for several days, and then I took my iron supplement and had a protein bar and the palpitations got really bad. Because the only thing I had taken or eaten were those two things, I looked on the ingredients portion of both, and they both had soy oil or isolates. 

I then looked up if soy can cause heart palpitations and come to find out that soy can cause palpitations. However, it is usually in people who have an issue being able to create their own amino acids out of certain foods. 

I researched more, and there is a substance called Taurine that they put in a category along with the amino acids, but it really isn't an amino acid. Most people can get it from red meat, but some people have genetic issues with not being able to create or utilize the Taurine. 

I have taken complete amino acids for a long time now, but Taurine isn't included in the complete amino vitamins because it really isn't an amino. There is another similar substance L-Carnitine which also isn't in my complete amino acids. The other thing I figured out with this is that I have never doing well with lecithin. I have had several people tell me to take it but I never felt good on it. I realized doing this research, that lecithin is usually made from soy products! It all started making sense as to why I didn't do well with it. 

I have heard that soy acts like an estrogen and affects the thyroid but I am thinking that maybe the soy is making me react more because of my thyroid problems. 

I have been taking these new supplements for four days now and haven't noticed anything. I think it may require being on it for a few months as I may be really depleted of certain things. I was able to find Sunflower lecithin and also purchased that to try. 

I am taking handfuls off pills each day! It is crazy how many pills I am taking. I hope that these pills will make a difference. I spent about the same amount in January on different supplements. 

I see the endocrinologist in several months but they will be checking my levels in a few weeks. I am praying that something I am taking will help improve the levels. 

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi. About your thyroid. I’ve had hypothyroidism since 1980 after the birth of my 4 th child in ‘79. I’ve tried everything synthetic over the years, but was still symptomatic, low energy, and felt so crummy. Your body can’t really use synthetic hormones. Finally, about 2010, I fired my dr, going to have blood drawn every 3 months and for what!? So, after researching a lot, I found bovine desiccated thyroid. It works great! It is real! It has changed my life! Start off low dose and increase. For me, I started at 150 mg daily, and increased to 200 mg, which I’ve done for years. You can tell if you are taking too much, you get palpitations. So back off. There are many companies selling bovine desiccated thyroid, mostly from Argentina or Paraguay, grass fed, no chemicals, all natural, freeze dried & desiccated ( powdered) in capsules. Become your own doctor! You already are! MB~
