
Monday, May 30, 2022

Wonderful Suprise Visit and Call

Friday night about 5:30, I got a call from Princess Two telling me that she wanted to come down and visit me. 

I called her asking about where she was on the road as it is many hours to get to my home. She said, "We are about here...." and I asked, "Who is we?" She said, "Me and my car!" laughing. 

I then thought maybe she was bringing a few of her sisters as I talked to Princess four earlier and she was headed to visit Princess Five.

Princess Two arrived and came in and asked me to go to the car and help her bring in some bags. I went out and picked up the two bags. I thought, "I guess she did come alone." When I was about to close the hatch of her car, Princess Four jumped out from hiding down by the tire of the opposite side of the car scaring me enough to get me to swear and jump! 

I don't like to be startled, but at least the surprise was a good one! We came in and made dinner and then went to Walmart and bought some hair highlighting kits to highlight Princess Four's hair. She also wanted a trim. 

I cut and highlighted her hair. You can see in this photo of her leaving Walmart how long her hair was. It had been awhile since we had done her hair, so it was good I could help with that. I got a photo of her after church today with her hair braided, but you can see the ends have been cut and see the highlights! She looks beautiful! 

I love that they came to visit me! I am blessed!

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