
Friday, May 27, 2022

Something Happens After Years Of Finding Coins - In God We Trust

I had a friend reply to one of my posts this past week. He shared that he had been pondering on how God speaks to him, and he said that he thought perhaps it could also be pennies or finding coins as he had two situations that he shared regarding finding coins. 

He shared that he found some children's books while waking playing Pokemon. They were sitting on the sidewalk and no one was around. He decided he would drop them off at the police station in case anyone lost them. He then found a penny. 

He shared that later that day while walking and playing Pokemon, there was a child getting into the car with her mother and was crying for some reason. He shared that he prayed for the girl and right after finishing the prayer, he found another penny. 

I texted him back sharing that it was interesting to me that both times were after he served another person and helped someone or did service. 

I started thinking back on many of the times I had found coins and many of them did revolve around helping others. Most of the time, it is more when I am stressed and need a reminder to Trust in God. 

I realized today that not only the coins remind me to Trust in God, but the areas where I found the coin have continued to remind me as I pass them to remember and trust in HIM. 

I was leaving a store today and saw the spot I found a nickle and smiled to myself. I then went to Walmart and smiled as I passed places I have found coins in the past. I thought to myself that giving gratitude, and being reminded to Trust in God, have not only given me those reminders at the time of finding the coin, but every time I walk or drive past that spot from then on. 

I think that by focusing on the the event, it triggers a connection in my mind to be reminded about it in the future. 

I have found enough coins that almost everywhere I go, I am reminded to trust in God! It is kind of nice to be able to have those reminders.

I found a penny on my way out of Walmart today! I was already planning on posting about this today, finding a penny was just icing on the top! 

I took a photo of the spot where I was reminded today walking out of the store. I also took one near the cart return at Walmart where I found another coin. It was so enlightening to have that realization today. 

Have a blessed day!

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