
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

TuTu Turns 100 - Huge Birthday Reunion

My Step-Grandmother turned 100 last week! My father married my step-mother over 25 years ago and I think him marrying her was one of the best choices in his life! 

I always tell him he sure knows how to pick women! My Step-mother is such a blessing in our world. I love her like a mother and I love my mother. I appreciate that she has never made us feel like there had to be a choice between them. She always welcomed my mother to all the activities for our family that she hosted. 

A BONUS to having my stepmother, is her mother. Tutu is the word for Grandparent in Hawaiian. They are from Hawaii and both were born there. Tutu lived with my dad and his wife for over 15 years. She is such a kind and wonderful person. She made my girls baby slippers. She remembers each girls name and where they are in the world and what they are doing. Even at 100, she knows my grandchildren's names. 

She has been blind for many years but her mind is better than mine! She really is amazing. For her 100 birthday, they wanted to have a reunion and there were many people coming from Hawaii, the south, and north west states. 

My step-brother got to see his new grandson for the first time who is 2 months old and I loved that I got to be there to take some photos of that event. Since I took a bunch of photos at her 99th birthday, they asked me to take photos of this big day! 

I enjoyed taking photos and meeting new relations. Of course, the highlight of the day was getting to see my adorable grand-children. I was taking photos most of the party, but I did get to play with them as I brought some puzzle cars, so that was a fun moment. 

I am half Tutu's age and my memory is not as sharp as hers. I hope that I can be the kind of grandmother and great-grandmother that she is! 

Happy 100 years TUTU! 

Have a blessed day!

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