
Thursday, May 5, 2022

An Up and Down Day

I was so tired this morning that I laid in bed for several hours trying to get enough energy and motivation to go out and prune the front trees. 

I finally dragged myself out of bed and went out to work in the yard and it was so cold and I was so tired and weak that I just couldn't do it. I had to mail something, but I wanted to deliver something to a few friends for mothers day, so I got those little gifts ready to deliver and went to the post office just before closing as I also needed to go to the bank as well. 

I then ran those errands and had a few phone calls that I needed to return from my crazy busy week last week. I sat in my car talking to those people as I wanted to visit with the friends where I was dropping off the gifts, checking in on a sick friend. 

I rushed out of the car and ran up the stairs and misjudged the height of the stairs and clipped the top stair and went flying forward and my mind ran in slow motion as I flew forward catching myself with my right hand, but with the forward momentum I hit at an angle and was freaking out as I knew I was going to hit hard and thought I was going to break my hand for sure knowing I was falling forward enough that my fingers were going to flip back. 

I laughed and cried out at the same time as I knew I had to look silly rolling over myself and I pictured a pug puppy flipping forward hitting its face on the ground. I did just that. I hit my shoulder hard and my right cheek hard. There was a woman walking across the street and I was embarrassed that I fell and hoped she didn't notice. I sat up and knew I had hurt my right hand. The last two fingers on my right hand I have broken in the past 2 times. I worried I had broken them again. I also could tell that my cheek and shoulder were going to bruise, but I figured that it was going to take a few days to show as they were deep. 

I was able to get up and was a bit in shock, but as the night went on, I was able to move my hand and decided I didn't think it was broken and that even if there were a hairline fracture, they would just splint it. I could feel a welt on my right cheek and as the night went on, my ear and jaw / head was popping and hurting. I think it will be fine, but it was a scary thing. 

Earlier in the day, when I stopped to run errands, I found $.46 at a store and was reminded that even though I have been sick having a rough week, I can trust in Him that things will be OK. So when I fell, I was getting into the shower with my sore body and I pulled those coins out of my pocket and smiled being reminded that everything would be OK. 

I feel blessed that I am reminded to trust in Him just when I need it. I am grateful for that! 

Have a blessed day!

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