
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

It Pays To Be Honest - Great Find

Today I went to my local thrift store as I had 10 minutes before I had an appointment. I was in a hurry and walked through the store quickly. 

I found a new puzzle of Christ that I know someone in my world will enjoy. I have also been buying self sealing canning jars for emergency preparedness. If I see one for under $2 that has a super tight seal, I will buy them so I can use them in an emergency. 

Both items were $2 each. I was in a hurry and at the register she put the items in and I paid and left quickly. On the way to my appointment, I realized that the total should have been $4 but the receipt shows I paid $3 on my card. 

After my appointment, I returned to the store to pay the extra $1and someone had just dropped off three totes of items and in the top of one of the totes, was a paint by number set of one of the temples for our church. 

When I showed them the price tags on the items and the receipt, the cashier told me to not worry about paying it because it was her mistake. I told her I was interested in buying the paint by number set and that I wanted to be honest and pay the extra dollar for the item she mis-charged me for earlier. 

She sold me the paint set for $2 and then charged me for the extra dollar she missed earlier. 

Princess Two has been doing lots of paint by number pieces recently and I was so excited finding this set for her. She will enjoy it I am sure. I love that she is expanding her talents! I also love that Heavenly Father blessed me for being honest! If I hadn't gone back, I wouldn't have found that kit and I had no idea they even existed. 

Honesty is the BEST policy! Have a blessed day!

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