
Tuesday, May 24, 2022

A Cool Charity that is New To Me

I wanted to share about cool charity a city is trying to use to clean up the beggar / panhandling in the down town area. 

Many years back, I went dancing to a club with a friend. When we came out, there was a woman sitting on the ground begging at 2 a.m. I gave her my change from getting in the club which was between $5 and $10. My friend asked why I would give her money. I told her that if she is begging at 2 a.m. then she is worse off than me as she must really need money to sit in the cold night air.

Several years later, I saw the same woman outside the central square of the city one afternoon when visiting. She was still sitting on the ground begging. I thought to myself that she is clearly making more money begging than she could make working. It was then that I decided to not promote that by giving her more money. 

I usually give money to those I feel drawn toward, but I know that many cities are trying to cut down on beggars and are coming up with many different programs to help them in different ways, but to keep them from begging on the streets. 

They have these red parking meter looking machines all over the downtown area with signs stating how to help other than giving beggars money directly as many times they use it on drugs and alcohol. I LOVED this so much. That way you can give and know that it is going to help them with housing etc.

There are many other charities that I donate to that help homeless, and I am all about donating in ways that help, rather than directly in that type of case. It amazes me how many charities and ideas people come up with to help others! It is such a blessing to help others and a blessing to those who are being helped! 

Have a blessed day!

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